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Talking about some understanding of sodium gluconate

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With the development of industry, sodium gluconate has a wide range of uses in industry. Sodium gluconate can be used as a chelating agent in industries such as construction, textile printing and dyeing, metal surface treatment, and water treatment, as well as a steel surface cleaning agent, glass bottle cleaning agent, aluminum oxide coloring in electroplating industry, and as a retarder and water reducer in the concrete industry. Below we will talk about some important characteristics and application effects of sodium gluconate.

1. Sodium gluconate is used as a water reducer and retarder in concrete engineering. Its water reducing, plasticizing, and retarding effects are all significant, which can greatly improve the workability of concrete, reduce slump loss, and improve the later strength of concrete. As a retarder, it can extend the initial setting time from a few hours to a few days without damaging the strength. And it has a wide range of applications, including pumped concrete, high flow concrete, large volume concrete, and high-performance concrete.2. It has a corrosion and scale inhibition effect and is widely used as a water quality stabilizer. Its * * performance is manifested in: it has a clear coordination effect and is suitable for various formulas such as molybdenum, silicon, phosphorus, tungsten, nitrite, etc; The corrosion inhibition rate increases with increasing temperature; Strong scale inhibition ability, with strong chelating ability to calcium, magnesium, and iron salts; As a corrosion and scale inhibitor for circulating cooling water, achieving environmental protection is also one of its major advantages.3. Used as a surface cleaning agent for steel. When the surface of steel needs to be coated with bowl, chromium, tin, or nickel to adapt to special purposes, the surface of the steel billet needs to be strictly cleaned to ensure that the coating is firmly bonded to the surface of the steel, with good anti scaling and rust removal abilities. In the cleaning of the electroplated metal surface, it can prevent the precipitation of hydroxides such as iron and aluminum in the solution.4. Used as a specialized cleaning agent for glass bottles. The glass bottle cleaning agent mainly formulated with sodium gluconate has strong descaling ability and will not easily block the nozzle and pipeline of the bottle washing machine; Has the ability to remove bottle stickers and neck rust, and can cause water to hang on the surface of glass bottles; The discharge of washing water meets the * * regulatory standards.

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